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Lombok Tourism Reopened After Covid-19

Lombok Tourism Reopened After Covid-19

Lombok has started opening several tourist attractions that were always crowded with tourists but had to close because of the Covid19 pandemic, but in this new normal era, the Lombok tourism manager has started to open tourist attractions in Lombok, even though you have to obey the health protocol, let's attack Lombok tourism to be reopened

However, not all tours in Lombok are opened, only a few to anticipate the spread of the virus, Lombok tourism is reopened to seek income for the Lombok people. can't wait which tours in Lombok have been opened? here is the information on tours in Lombok that have been opened:

Three Gili Lombok

Before entering this tour you will be tested for body temperature and must wear a mask, that is a requirement for traveling in this place. Of the many tourist attractions in Lombok, the three crazy tours cannot be forgotten by tourists.

There are Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, and Gili Meno 3 Gili, it is like representing the beauty of the beach in Lombok, here are the tourist reviews of the 3 very exotic Gili.

Gili Trawangan 

Lombok Tourism Reopened After Covid-19

Gili Trawangan is the largest of the three Gili, Gili Trawangan will hold events on certain days, and Gili Trawangan at night is usually presented finger-length music while looking at the beauty of the beach.

Gili Meno 

Lombok Tourism Reopened After Covid-19

Gili Meno is a Gili Meno which is located in the middle of other Gili Meno, Gili Meno only has 400 inhabitants, although few of you who want to learn about culture come to Gili Meno, just go around this island while learning the culture from tourism in Gili Meno.

Gili Air 

Lombok Tourism Reopened After Covid-19

Gili Ari is the closest Gili to Lombok Gili Air is the most striking Gili compared to the other two crazy, Gili Air has the most capable facilities, and has rides that attract tourists.

Mount Rinjani (Non Climbing) 

Lombok Tourism Reopened After Covid-19

This mountain, which is located in northern Lombok, may be familiar, a mountain that has an altitude of more than 3,700 meters above sea level is the second highest mountain in Indonesia.

This mountain has a beautiful view when compared to other mountains in Indonesia, even Asia. Because of the beautiful panorama of this mountain, Mount Rinjani is a favorite of climbers.

Sanggigi Tourism Area
Lombok Tourism Reopened After Covid-19

Tourism is considered a dead city when affected by Covid19, but don't get me wrong, this tour is like rising from the dead, and starting to open several tourist attractions, on June 28, the tourist area of ​​Senggigi has started operating, even though it is still quiet.

In this tourist area, there are many interesting tours from water games to climbing small hills in this place, vacationing in this place, you must wear masks, and before entering you will be tested for body temperature.

Mandalika Tourism Area 
Lombok Tourism Reopened After Covid-19

Similar to the Senggigi tourist area, the Mandalika tourist area was also opened on the 28th of June, this area which is located near the island of Bali, an area consisting of beautiful beaches and fertile hills, is a great place to enjoy nature and find peace.

Even the government has provided various facilities and accommodation to support those who visit these locations. Not surprisingly, several resorts can be found there, offering a comfortable place to stay when visiting Mandalika.

Not to mention that some couples have chosen it as their honeymoon destination. Mandalika tourism has become Lombok tourism reopened, and as the last discussion.