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Borobudur Temple is the Largest Temple in the World

Borobudur Temple is the largest Buddhist temple archaeological site in the world. Borobudur Temple is also the largest Buddhist monument.

The magnificent Borobudur Temple is a monument of the past which is proof of the existence of architectural science and technology that belongs to the Indonesian nation.
Borobudur Temple is the Largest Temple in the World


According to the Karangtengah inscription, Borobudur Temple was built in 824 AD by King Samaratungga during the Syailendra Dynasty.

The construction of the Borobudur Temple was completed in 847 AD by Queen Prabudawardhani, daughter of Samaratungga. Borobudur Temple was built to honor Mahayana Buddhism.
Borobudur Temple is the Largest Temple in the World

Borobudur Temple with an area of ​​123 x 123 square meters. Which consists of 504 Buddha statues, 72 terawang stupas and 1 main stupa.

Borobudur Temple is located in Borobudur Village, Borobudura District, Magelang Regency, Central Java.

The geographical environment of Borobudur Temple is surrounded by Mount Merapi and Merbabu in the East, Mount Sindoro and Sumbing in the North.

Found Back

Quoted from the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture (kemendikbud), Borobudur Temple reappeared in 1814 when Thomas Stanford Raffles, Governor General of England in Indonesia.

At that time, he was holding an activity in Semarang and received information that in the Kedu area a stone arrangement had been found. then sent someone to clean it.

When Borobudur Temple was found, it was announced and introduced through books. After that, simultaneously the world famous Borobudur Temple, which is made of stone and is large.

Even the Borobudur Temple is proud of, because there are paintings and reliefs. Borobudur comes from the words "boro" and "budur". "Boro" comes from the Sanskrit word meaning temple complex, monastery, or hostel.

Meanwhile, "budur" from the Balinese language means bedubur. So that Borobudur Temple means Vihara on top of a hill.

The shape of the Borobudur building is in the form of terraced punden consisting of 10 levels. At each level it is said to symbolize the stages of human life.

Mahayana Buddhist Mahzab states that everyone who wants to reach that level (as a Buddha) must go through each stage of life.

In Borobudur Temple there are 2,672 panels. The relief ensemble is the most complete in the world and will not be matched in artistic value, as each scene is a complete masterpiece.

Borobudur consists of 1,460 relief panels and 504 stupas, but the panels are incomplete because 160 panels are stockpiled because the reliefs are considered obscene and vulgar.


Borobudur Temple has been done several restoration times. There were four restoration records recorded.

The first restoration
The first restoration was carried out by the Dutch East Indies Government from 1907 to 1911. The focus of the restoration at that time was more on the top of the temple, namely the three round terraces and the central stupa.

Because many stones were not found, the top of the stupa was not replaced. The restoration of the lower part is more of a patchy nature such as repairing or leveling the hallway, repairing the walls and balusters without demolition so that it still looks sloping.

Second restoration
The second restoration was carried out in 1926 and stopped in 1940.

Third restoration
The third restoration was carried out in 1973 to 1984. In which time the restoration was a collaboration between the Indonesian government and UNESCO.

At the restoration there were three workers:

Archeology techno
The techno-archeology work consisted of dismantling all parts of the Rupadhatu, namely four rectangular levels above the base of the temple.

Civil engineering work
In civil engineering work, installation of reinforced concrete foundations. That is to support the Borobudur Temple at every level by being given a water channel and a watertight layer in the construction.

Archaeological chemo work
In this job, he performs cleaning, cleaning and preserving the stones.

Finally, the rearrangement of the stones that have been cleaned of microorganisms (moss, fungi, and other microorganisms) to their original shape.

Fourth restoration
In 1985 the restoration of the Borobudur Temple was carried out again. Even in the last few years there was an earthquake and the eruption of Mount Merapi. Where the Borobudur Temple needs repairs.

The buildings and architecture of Borobudur Temple show that Indonesian technology at that time was advanced.

Borobudur Temple proved the superiority of the Indonesian people at that time in science and technology. In 1991, UNESCO designated Borobudur Temple as a world heritage.